Week 05 Feedback

Week 05 Feedback


During this week’s meeting, I showed Stefan the MIDI implementation that I could incorporate since we last met.  He was glad to see I made progress in this area and we spent time reviewing the code that I had made referencing the source code form MIDIJACK, a plugin I found for Unity.  The next step will be to find a way to route all the notes on the keyboard to game objects in the scene that will generate a virtual note based on a MIDI file that is loaded into the game.  I will also need to look at the different key commands that will allow me to collect data from the keyboard that registers the moment a note has been pressed, how long a note has been pressed for, and when did the user stop pressing it.  Once I have figured how to communicate this information to the system I can create a test level that requires the user to press notes in a specific way based on the moment the note should be pressed and how long the note should be held for.  If I can do all of that by the start of the following week I should be in good shape as far as MIDI implementation goes.  However, Stefan also instructed me to do a quick test run of the pitch detection script that we implemented during this week’s meeting with the microphone on the HoloLens.  I will need to see at what Db the microphone starts to pick up the pitch of each note on the computer is and how many octaves the pitch detection script can recognize.  This should be enough to satisfy the work done for pitch detection for one week but ideally if pitch detection is integrated without too much effort then I can go forward with trying to find out how I would implement feedback with the pitch detection method.  However, that will not take priority over integration of feedback that is generated through MIDI input for this week.  The last thing I need to make sure to do this week is to fix the path that my notes fly on so that when the piano stage is turned about 20-degrees towards the user, the notes travel down a path that line up with corresponding key on the virtual keyboard reference.  On a final note, Stefan also explained that my post playtest questions should always be open-ended questions and I will need to ask the participant if they are okay with me taking an audio recording of the interview.  I will also need to know if it is okay for me to use their name when writing my paper.


Likes the design I made for the layout of content for the game that I am making.  He feels like the overall design I created would be fine for when I start to implement the new visual layout of how content will be displayed.  The reason being, he would like to see the final version of my application b more arbitrary and make the player feel more like they’re playing a game than learning something.  In DragonBox the player is given images of animals instead of variables or numbers and we discussed the possibility of doing something similar in my game.  I told Paul about the idea I had with making a shooting game out of it but Paul said that the play might feel inclined to play as fast as they can if their told they must shoot.  So he then explained that I would have to find a way of creating a theme or a metaphor that will incline the player to play slowly and accurately.  He was also happy to hear about the progress I made integrating MIDI input to a Unity build